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Virtual Training

Business owners and executives that manage employees know that in order to keep productivity high, minimize redundancy and eliminate the need for frequent change / hiring of new staff, there is need to keep existing staff well grounded with new practices of the business.This is achieved by way of training. New recruits into any establishment, also require some training on company practices and how to cope with the challenges of the new work environment.

Staff / personnel training should, in fact, be a periodic on-going activity for any corporation that want their staff to be top-notch and deliver high productivity.

Most companies do not have their in-house training environment, and usually resort to hired infrastructures and professional trainers for this purpose.

This could easily translate to a considerable financial budget for the corporation, especially considering that training for different staff cadre require different set of logistics and even infrastructure. If the training environment is of any considerable distance, then trainees accommodation and transportation cost will have to be factored in as well.

Some of these training could last anywhere from a few days, to weeks, or even months. At the end of each successful training, volumes of training materials are handed to the trainees as reference materials. Normally, these materials, being expensive and valuable, are stashed-away somewhere reliably secure: at home. As you can guess, they are usually never re-visited again. Not even when the need arises, because the materials are usually not easily accessible, very safe, and collecting dust.

What if there are more a efficient way to handle this which is not only cost-effective but also easily and readily available?

This is accomplished by the use of a centralized secure online training platform with special access given to the trainees so they can go through the training materials, and can also reference it from any location whenever needed.

OguCS offers this solution, by creating and managing such virtual training platforms for small, medium or large companies. Advantages of this solution are many, such as:


  • Cost effective
  • Easily Scalable
  • Easy Accessibility
  • Ease Of Update
  • Scheduling
  • Effective Time Management
  • Easy Referencing
  •  Eliminates The Need For Cumbersome And Expensive Training Materials
  • Access control.

These and many other benefits make this a viable alternative for corporations that want to ensure their personnel are always top-notch.

There is no need to worry about the technical implications, as OguCS Ltd., will handle all of that, manage it and ensure it is secured from third-party access. Training materials could be in the form of audio, text, video or presentations. Pamphlets, guides or action steps could be made available as pdf documents that could be downloaded easily, whenever needed.

How Does It Work?, Click Below

  • Training materials are supplied by the client
  • OguCS Ltd designs and builds a secured online infrastructure tailored to client’s need.
  • The platform is structured for easy access and to be user friendly.
  • Unique user accounts are created to grant access to the trainees and staff that will benefit from the training.
  • This information, along with a user-guide is sent to the client to give to their trainees.
Turn-around time could be from one week to one month, depending on the complexity of the project.


To get started, visit our support desk, and open a new support ticket. Choose “virtual training” from the help topic drop down, and send us a mail to initiate discussions on your project.


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